October 2006

I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Halloween, if you are into that kind of thing. I also wanted to let you know that the podcast was in fact up and online, albeit late. Sorry about that.

Nintendo has confirmed that there are plans to release a Wii complete with DVD playback in Japan sometime next year. There are also no plans to bring this unit to the US or Europe.

[url=http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=20729]GI.biz[/url] is also carrying the story.

The newest update for your Xbox is out and available and boy does it rock. The list of feature upgrades is too long to post so I’ll direct you to [url=http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/2006/1030-novemberupdate-completelist.htm]Xbox.com[/url] for the full list. A few of the key updates that I want to touch on are the 1080p support and HD-DVD drive support which are going to turn your 360 into a High Def DVD player, which is always a nice addition.

Other updates include the ability to stream WMV from a Windows PC running WMP 11, Windows Media Connect, or the Zune Software. This is a huge upgrade and eliminates the need for a Media Center PC for those of you just looking to stream video from your PC. You can also stream video from USB devices such as USB hard drives. I did have a chance to test the streaming out this morning via WMC and WMP11 and they both work great. Too bad that WMP11 would play my HD AVIs, but the 360 won’t as that is not supported.

The dashboard also got a little tweak in a few areas and added the ability for you to automatically download trials of new Live Arcade games.

All in all, this is a huge update with a lot of great features.

You’ve got to love those hidden costs when you buy things; the PS3 will NOT be an exception.

The system, a few games, the PS1/2 memorycard reader, and extra controllers will cost you nearly a thousand dollars. But what are the hidden costs that will make you even poorer? The PS3 will gobble up energy at about 380 watts. The power unit will be twice as big as the Xbox 360’s, which was quite big already. If you plan on buying a next generation Playstation, make sure you are lighting up your Cuban cigars with a hundred dollars bills – [i]minimum[/i]. You’ll need it.

Though Disney and millions of people worldwide would love to see a thrid Kingdom Hearts game sooner than later, Square Enix has stated this was “impossible” for a while. Currently the company is working on the many versions of Final Fantasy XIII, Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, and almost another dozen games for various consoles.