Hunting is mostly a vicious cycle, a war of escalation between you and your eventual target. Every quest is another battle in that war, but heading into battle without a clear gameplan can make your life harder than it needs to be.
Let’s say that some Rathian armor has caught your attention. You’ve taken down a few of them, but you still don’t have all the parts you need to complete the set. Specifically, you need something called a Rathian Plate to finish the waist-piece. How the heck do you get one of those? Obviously from fighting Rathians, but is there something specific you need to be doing against them? READ MORE

Hunting solo is a fool’s errand. Sure, early on you don’t have much of a choice, but those aren’t exactly the most dangerous quests either. Fortunately that you won’t be stuck by yourself for very long. Although given the quality of the help you do find, sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. READ MORE

In Hunter’s Notes, Chris Ingersoll aims to provide the insight and advice needed to understand the ins and outs of Monster Hunter and become immersed in its world. For more, check out the archive.
Hopefully by now you’ve developed the skills you need to more efficiently take down the large monsters, like learning tells and knowing when to get in hits and when to run away. It’s all down to observation and practice, but there are other skills you can pick up to give you an edge. Have you talked to the Wyverian Blacksmith lately? This diminutive man is an invaluable resource, and really probably the most important member of Moga Village as far as you’re concerned. His ability to turn various monster carves, ores and whatnot into different weapons, armor, and decorations is crucial. Without a decent weapon, you won’t do enough damage, and of course without decent armor you’ll be taking far more damage than you probably want to. But armor has more uses than just being a barrier between you and sudden death. READ MORE

In Hunter’s Notes, Chris Ingersoll aims to provide the insight and advice needed to understand the ins and outs of Monster Hunter and become immersed in its world. For more, check out the archive.
So by now you’ve probably taken on your first Great Jaggi. How’d you do? Those guys can be challenging if you’re not ready for them! There’s no shame in riding the feyline cart a couple of times at your level, but eventually you’ll be able to take them out in little more time than it takes you to take out their little brothers and sisters. I’m not here to give you tips on how to best beat those guys; where would the fun in that be? No, learning by experience is the best way to develop as a hunter. What I can do, though, is give you knowledge on some additional tools at your disposal that might make things easier. READ MORE

In Hunter’s Notes, Chris Ingersoll aims to provide the insight and advice needed to understand the ins and outs of Monster Hunter and become immersed in its world. This is the first installment.
So you’ve decided you want to hunt monsters, eh? Well, welcome to the Guild! You’ll find yourself in good company before long, although like any entry-level position you will have to first prove that you have what it takes to face down the big boys. Which brings me to this document. You see, not that long ago I was a fresh-off-the-boat hunter like yourself and I know what you’re going through. There’s a lot to take in here, and although the villagers mean well they’re not really hunters like we are. So I’m here to help you get your footing as best I can. READ MORE