Burger King Games, Now Without the Chicken Fries

March 20, 2007

Did you miss out on playing the three Burger King games because your arteries wimped out? Well, now you can get the three wonderfully bad titles without having to order up a Whopper, because [url=https://shop.bk.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=5]Burger King[/url] is now selling the games in their online store. Now you can buy [i]Big Bumpin'[/i], [i]PocketBike Racer[/i], or [i]Sneak King[/i] without the cardiac arrest. Each one costs $3.99, or you can order the whole set for $10.99. Unfortunately, [url=http://arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.ars/2007/03/19/burger-king-games-now-for-sale-directly-online]according to this website[/url], shipping will cost an extra 11 bucks and there are a limited amount of sets available.

These cholesterol jokes have been brought to you by Snackbar Games.