Reviews archive :: Snackbar Games

- SSX: All the snowboarding you want, some you don’t
- MLB 12 The Show: Working on its batting average
- WipEout 2048: The fast and the futur-ious hits Vita
- Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH!: It’s fun, but is it also fun?
- Shoot Many Robots: Big ol’ buckets of bolts and bullets
- MLB 2K12: Does offseason training pay off?
- Sine Mora: It’s time for a good new shoot-’em-up
- Street Fighter X Tekken: Dream match of the decade?
- Defenders of Ardania: The fantasy tower combat sim
- Hungry Giraffe: Have a long neck, eat some stuff
- Deep Black: Reloaded: Execution sinks fresh ideas
- Asura’s Wrath: Sit back, hit buttons, enjoy the ride
- Rayman Origins (Vita): Same great action on the go
- Break Blocks: Show us your puzzle-dancing moves
- Mass Effect 3: Earth’s the end of Shepard’s epic story
- Touch My Katamari: Rolling around all over the place
- Crusader Kings II: It’s good to be the king (or duke)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational: Par for the course
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus: Ryu gets a third encore
- Plants vs. Zombies (Vita): Is it the best version yet?
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss: Go on a quest with Drake
- Dynasty Warriors Next: A Musou with no compromises
- Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack: Big is better
- Lumines: Electronic Symphony: A new musical voyage
- Jagged Alliance: Back in Action: Beware rough edges
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend: The Wheel still turns
- Rhythm Heaven Fever: Keep on keeping the beat
- Twisted Metal: The glorious return of car combat?
- Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom: A good read
- Pinball FX 2: Epic Quest: Weapons, loot and… flippers?
- Shank 2: The right reactions make for better action
- Law & Order: Legacies: Serving up years of justice
- Final Fantasy XIII-2: Square Enix aims to rewrite history
- Fortune Summoners: Deceptively cute, subtly deep
- World Basketball Manager (2012): Full-screen press
- The Simpsons Arcade: Team up and rescue Maggie
- Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts: Try, try again
- Puddle: Just go with the ever-changing flow
- Soul Calibur V: The swords clash again, but now online
- Unstoppable Gorg: Scramble to stop the Gorg invasion
- Disney Universe: Not a normal day at the theme park
- Quarrel: There’s strength in numbers on letter tiles
- Scarygirl: A gorgeous platformer with control issues
- King of Fighters XIII: Is it back to reclaim the throne?
- Afterfall: Insanity: Deadly post-apocalyptic cabin fever
- All Zombies Must Die!: Seriously, just keep killing them
- Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure: Where’d my cash go?
- Pushmo: Getting around mental blocks is a challenge
- Choplifter HD: This old-school revival is heli good
- NFL Blitz: Revival has little flash, but few fumbles