Reviews archive :: Snackbar Games

- Eufloria (PS3): This one’s not just pretty to look at
- Rochard: Assessing the gravity of the situation
- Hector: Beyond Reasonable Doom: To what end?
- A Game of Thrones: Genesis: War’s not the only goal
- Warhammer 40K: Space Marine: Cover is for wimps
- Child of Eden: Prepare for motions and emotions
- Guardian Heroes: Keep fighting, even if you’re a bunny
- Mercury Hg: Tilting tables, sliding elements
- Orcs Must Die!: Make a plan, then put it into action
- Tetris Axis: Descending deeper into block madness
- Castlevania HD (PSN): Dracula’s All-Star Game, redux
- Rotastic: Time to get into the swing of things
- Gears of War 3: Stick to your guns, and stick together
- Dead Island: This destination’s surprisingly full of life
- Cubixx HD: Side-splitting, screen-splitting madness
- Red Orchestra 2: War with painstaking authenticity
- Driver San Francisco: Getting your mind racing
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin: Facing down your demons
- Atelier Totori: Synthesizing a better Japanese RPG
- Crimson Alliance: Throwing down the Gauntlet
- Renegade Ops: Blow stuff up… you know, for freedom
- SkyDrift: Fast aircraft meet lofty ambitions
- Street Fighter III Third Strike Online: True arcade feel
- Fruit Ninja Kinect: a different kind of hack-and-slash
- Rock of Ages: What’s going on? Just roll with it
- BloodRayne: Betrayal: Taking the series WayForward
- Cladun X2: The dungeons are never done-geon
- Elevator Action Deluxe: It’s full of ups and downs
- The Baconing: promising sizzle, disappointing taste
- Hector: Senseless Acts of Justice: Really tied-together
- Crazy Machines Elements: Is it Incredible enough?
- Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon: Poor cook, good recipe
- Disgaea 4: Promises, details and the perils of depth
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Prepare for augmentation
- Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions: Depth, but no depth
- Call of Juarez: The Cartel: Use your collusion
- EDGE (PC): Living life on the six-side
- Chantelise: Reviving the old-school challenge
- The Witcher 2: A beautiful package of frustration
- Catherine: Navigating relationships is tough
- Alice: Madness Returns: Wonderland’s never been creepier
- Captain America: Super Soldier (Wii): Wield the shield
- Captain America: Super Soldier (DS): This Cap’s busted
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3: Macro-wreckonomics
- Captain America: Super Soldier (360/PS3): Fighting for freedom
- Bleach: Soul Resurreccion: A cel-shaded fan-fest
- Puzzle Dimension: Turning our brains upside-down
- Boulder Dash-XL: Time to rock ‘n roll with robots
- PlayStation Move Ape Escape: Let’s monkey around
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2: It all ends