Hi-Rez Studios Making ‘Spy-Fi’ MMORPG

March 1, 2007

Don’t look now, but there is yet another MMO in development. Atlanta, Georgia based [url=http://www.hirezstudios.com/]Hi-Rez Studios[/url] has announced that it is developing a “a mission-based action MMORPG using Unreal Engine 3, set in a near future world of espionage and tactical covert operations.”

Called Global Agenda, the game has apparently been in development for over two years, and features “fast-paced ranged and close combat, RPG-style character progression, solo or cooperative team missions, and competitive play on a massive scale between player-created agencies.” Global Agenda is set on 22nd century Earth amidst an “invisible war” fought between elite agents where “technology is a race, knowledge is power, and everyone has an agenda.”

“We want to provide players an engaging, next-generation tactical combat experience, but within the context of a single, evolving, massively multiplayer online world where actions have consequences”, says Todd Harris, COO of Hi-Rez Studios. “Player-created agencies, with the right strategy and skill, can have a very real impact on each other and the world itself.”