So it ends

May 24, 2005

E3 2005 is over and while I can’t say that it was a disappointment I think the new consoles were such a focal point of the event that not a lot of attention was paid to the games we are going to be playing until a time when the consoles reach retail stores.

Kingdom Hearts 2 had an impressive showing with a new trailer and some new information on the adventures you will undertake this time around. I try to bank info like this and not let it get me excited because then I become ill when I realize I still have 5+ months until I actually get to play the game.

Aside from that I didn’t really “see” anything that made me jump for joy. There is plenty of coverage on every minute detail of the show on just about every other gaming site out there for those of you that may have missed something.

In unrelated news, the launch of Movie Thunder is drawing near, very near. Stay tuned as we ramp up for that. It should be good. Or at least I hope it is because I have a ton of time invested into that thing.