Konami@E3: The director’s cut

June 2, 2011

Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders HD collections were the highlight at Konami’s rather-early, pre-recorded, green-screen-tastic E3 event Thursday night. The collections, on both PS3 and 360, contain the following games: Metal Gear Solid 2, 3 and Peace Walker in the former, and Zone of the Enders 1 and 2 in the latter. The PS3 version of Peace Walker supports a new concept the company has called Transfarring, where save data is usable on both console and handheld. (Eventually, this will be used for save portability from PS3 to NGP for many titles.) MGS HD releases in November. ZoE will follow in 2012, and will also have some Transfarring functionality. A Silent Hill collection was also mentioned.

The company also went in-depth into Metal Gear Solid 3D, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012, NeverDead and Silent Hill: Downpour, showing lots of footage and developer interviews. They finished up with an, um, interview of Hideo Kojima about what he’s working on. You just have to see it. Oh, and they teased a new Contra.

We have video of the show after the break. We’ll have more from E3 events when the more reasonably-timed ones start on Monday.