Reviews archive :: Snackbar Games

- Trine 2: E pluribus unum, one more time
- Fortune Street: Rolling the dice with a little Mario flair
- Sonic CD: It’s a blast from the past (and past future)
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking: Doesn’t quite Kinect
- Fishing Resort: Reeling in some big ol’ fish
- Magicka: The Stars Are Left: Lovecraft meets spellcraft
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Back for another round
- Jurassic Park: Telltale’s quick-time dinosaur time
- Mario Kart 7: Living life on the open Rainbow Road
- James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes: An ill-fitting puzzle
- To the Moon: Funny, heartfelt and, at times, just tragic
- Defense Grid: You Monster: Tower defense, for science
- Corpse Party: Horror done the way it should be done
- GoldenEye 007: Reloaded: High-def Oddjob time
- Halo: Anniversary Edition: Sprucing up an FPS classic
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: A solid HD collection
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: The Skyloft life
- Super Mario 3D Land: Time for Mario to suit up again
- Rayman Origins: Everything a platformer should be
- Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: Ezio, Altair and you
- Cities XL 2012: We’d call it Cities XXL at this point
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: A world of possibilities
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Still modern, still war
- Fate/Extra: Are you ready to fight for the Grail?
- Kirby’s Return to Dream Land: Welcome back, buddy
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Putting up a good dogfight
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi: Saiyan, but not super
- Tropico 4: Running a better tropical island dictatorship
- Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception: Back for another ride
- Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Sling webs, save the future
- Cave Story 3D: Get lost exploring the dark depths
- Dark Souls: Battling against the demons of the past
- Professor Layton and the Last Specter: Life’s a puzzle
- PixelJunk SideScroller: Like the arcade, but cooler
- Battlefield 3 (360/PS3): The next chapter of war
- Okabu: This one’s forecast is partly cloudy
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken: Poultry, not paltry
- Dungeon Defenders: Action-strategy, fantasy-fantastic
- Deus Ex HR: The Missing Link: Well tied-together
- MDK 2 HD: Same old game, brand new paint job
- Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny: Grow and expand
- Batman: Arkham City: The Dark Knight’s still got it
- Might & Magic: Heroes VI: A tenuous return to glory
- FIFA 12: At the top of its game, but not by much
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012: Still struggling to keep up
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition: EA Canada’s heating up
- Rage: Against the dying of the, well, everything
- Solatorobo: This game’s got something fur everyone
- X-Men Destiny: Mutation, choice and evanescence
- The Binding of Isaac: Fight away with the tears