Galactic Civilizations 2: Dark Avatar

March 13, 2007

Just… one… more… turn. No other four words could better sum up the experience of playing the original Galactic Civilizations 2 and now its expansion pack, Dark Avatar. You can almost picture tiny little Oompah-Loompahs slaving away in some arcane game development laboratory, infusing each boxed copy of GalCiv 2: Dark Avatar with pure gaming crack and gleefully singing those creepy little songs that they like to sing so much. Yes, it’s just that good and just that fun.

Stardock, makers of the original Galactic Civilizations and its recent superb sequel, were clearly not content to rest on their well-earned laurels as this eagerly awaited (for good reason) expansion pack shows. Many fan-requested options and additions made the cut in this new addition to the franchise, and the game is even deeper and more robust for it.

The easiest thing to praise is the graphical A

Score: 5/5

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