Tokyo Crash Mobs: Throw people, solve puzzles, shop?

January 22, 2013


I’ve played some weird games over the last few years, but this one has an element I’ve come to be familiar with. Mitchell Corporation, the driving force behind the original Puzz Loop that started it all and the Magnetica games that appeared on both the DS and Wii, bring a lot of that gameplay to the company’s eShop debut. But Tokyo Crash Mobs brings the marble-matching game to a level I never would have imagined.

Replacing the marbles seen in the previously mentioned games are color-coordinated people called “scenesters,” and your goal is to match a group of three by chucking them at each other. The game features two different distinct gameplay styles that showcase our two main characters.

Savannah’s style is “rolling”. She’s thrown through a portal and sent into space. Why? I don’t know, but she stays in a stationary position and chucks scenesters as they attempt to reach a button that sends her into the cold, airless abyss for her failure. This is the mode most people will find familiar, since it’s in the standard Puzz Loop/Magnetica/Zuma style that everyone knows.

The other mode features Grace. The shop-a-holic finds herself in trouble when she learns that only the first ten people in line will be allowed into a trendy store. She finds herself at the end of the line, chucking scenesters at various people in line to make sure she’s one of those first ten.

Occasionally, you’ll have stages combining both characters, letting you shake the 3DS to switch between the two.

What makes this game unique are the interesting elements thrown into these stages. Occasionally, you’ll see some scenesters try to cut lines and ruin your chances of success, or even need to trigger various items, such as UFOs that remove a whole color from the ever-growing line, or umbrellas that make it easier to see scenesters’ colors. You might even see some people attack you head-on to hinder your progress!

Of course, this game isn’t without its faults. When the stages get tougher, the controls themselves get in the way of doing things in a speedy manner. Instead of just tapping where scenesters go, you have to touch the screen and drag them to the spot you actually want. Most of the time you’ll find yourself missing altogether, or spending too much time trying to aim them properly.

Tokyo Crash Mobs definitely has a sense of humor, which saves it from being just another Puzz Loop clone. From the idea as a whole to the ridiculous cut scenes, Mitchell definitely played these cards right. This game will most likely go unnoticed by many on the 3DS eShop, if you’re looking for a familiar, fun puzzler with a quirky sense of humor, then this is definitely worth checking out.

Pros: Great sense of humor, familiar puzzle gameplay
Cons: Controls can become a hindrance

Score: 3/5

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