December 2004

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2004

You all be safe out there. Snackbar turns three today! We will be here for more pimpin’ gaming action. Trust us our heads are bursting full of ideas, but now, we get plowed. If you are not of age to drink then dont, and if you are, then get someone to haul you around.

Travel and Thanks

December 30, 2004

Dots and I are about to leave for El Paso to ring in the new year with some of my family. Unfortunately we will not be around for the official 2nd anniversary of Snackbar Games. So celebrate for us. Jan 1st, 2005 marks 2 full years and I can’t believe where we are. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped us get here.

Special thanks go to [url=]Mr. Tito[/url] from [url=][/url] for mentioning us in his columns for so long, to the guys at [url=]Numbthumb Games[/url] for hooking us up with game rentals, and to EB Games Huebner Oaks. The Wraith and EB Huebner were instrumental in getting us where we are today and we can’t say thank you enough. 2005 is going to be a huge year for us and I want to thank everyone for reading the site. Hopefully we can make it even bigger and better this year. Thanks for a great year.

That’s right, our second anniversary is coming so we are fixing things, trying new things, and cleaning up our act. More content, better reviews thanks in part to our new Editor, and cleaner language!


Holy Sh*t I cant fu*king cuss no more. Oh well I will get over it.

Sh*t, f*ck, p*ss, @ss.

Err I mean gosh darn. On to 2005!

Media Blitz

December 29, 2004

We try new shit what can I say? The crew has been thinking of putting our own videos online for a while now. When Halo 2 was released we filmed it and got it up, hence the introduction of Snackbar Mediaplayer. The Mediaplayer is still in beta testing as we try to optimize it to stream on the net. Yes you do need flash though. I worked in the web world for a long time, and I hate flash, it has turned the internet into a fucking commercial. However when used to bring media online, it can be pretty fresh. I hope you enjoy. Mad props to Pretz for getting doing this, I hope to do more in the future.

View it, [url=]NOW[/url]

The following is a video feature that we did for the Halo 2 Opening at EB Games in Huebner Oaks. Our very own Pretzel filmed and edited the whole thing. Pickle used his mad skills to build a streaming flash player. You will need the newest Flash Plug-in to play this video. If you don’t have it, you can get it [url=]here[/url].

Click here to launch the video.