E3’s all over, and we have tons of Speculator results, including the full lightning round, in which one panelist totally dominated. Check them out after the break, and look forward to the return of predictions next time.
Lightning Round results!
Graham 782
Gerry 437
Andrew 310
Shawn 135
At Microsoft’s event
New Halo: Gerry 50%, Andrew 70%, Graham 82%, Shawn 95%
On-stage Modern Warfare 3 demo: Gerry 15%, Andrew 95%, Graham 92%, Shawn 85%
360 Skype integration: Gerry 75%, Andrew 80%, Graham 64%, Shawn 100%
Dance Central 2: Gerry 50%, Andrew 90%, Graham 91%, Shawn 100%
New 360 SKU: Gerry 10%, Andrew 20%, Graham 17%, Shawn 20%
Next-gen console: Gerry 15%, Andrew 5%, Graham 4%, Shawn 15%
Handheld announced: Gerry 0%, Andrew 5%, Graham 1%, Shawn 5%
Ted Price, Insomniac: Gerry 50%, Andrew 50%, Graham 12%, Shawn 10%
Gabe Newell, Valve: Gerry 0%, Andrew 20%, Graham 3%, Shawn 25%
Hideo Kojima, Konami: Gerry 0%, Andrew 40%, Graham 52%, Shawn 75%
Felicia Day, The Guild: Gerry 38%, Andrew 50%, Graham 8%, Shawn 50%
Some sort of musical act: Gerry 50%, Andrew 50%, Graham 31%, Shawn 75%
At Sony’s event
NGP named: Gerry 80%, Andrew 90%, Graham 99%, Shawn 95%
…and it’s just the PSP2: Gerry 10%, Andrew 80%, Graham 43%, Shawn 80%
NGP dated: Gerry 35%, Andrew 90%, Graham 97%, Shawn 80%
NGP priced: Gerry 40%, Andrew 90%, Graham 97%, Shawn 70%
The Last Guardian: Gerry 25%, Andrew 75%, Graham 18%, Shawn 100%
Sorcery: Gerry 80%, Andrew 55%, Graham 47%, Shawn 65%
New Play-Create-Share IP: Gerry 80%, Andrew 65%, Graham 53%, Shawn 70%
Kevin Butler: Gerry 100%, Andrew 70%, Graham 40%, Shawn 100%
Hideo Kojima, Konami: Gerry 35%, Andrew 40%, Graham 28%, Shawn 90%
Cliff Bleszinski, Epic: Gerry 50%, Andrew 70%, Graham 20%, Shawn 10%
Anyone from Bungie: Gerry 10%, Andrew 65%, Graham 38%, Shawn 60%
The Respawn guys: Gerry 20%, Andrew 20%, Graham 47%, Shawn 70%
At Nintendo’s event
Project Cafe named: Gerry 80%, Andrew 70%, Graham 93%, Shawn 35%
Project Cafe out this year: Gerry 45%, Andrew 5%, Graham 8%, Shawn 5%
Screen in the controller: Gerry 50%, Andrew 50%, Graham 84%, Shawn 65%
Xenoblade or The Last Story’s US release: Gerry 10%, Andrew 70%, Graham 61%, Shawn 70%
3DS Super Mario this year: Gerry 65%, Andrew 75%, Graham 47%, Shawn 80%
New Pokemon: Gerry 20%, Andrew 55%, Graham 34%, Shawn 80%
Screen of third-party logos: Gerry 65%, Andrew 80%, Graham 99.8675309%, Shawn 100%
Shigeru Miyamoto: Gerry 80%, Andrew 90%, Graham 98%, Shawn 95%
Charles Martinet: Gerry 25 %, Andrew 50%, Graham 10%, Shawn 40%
Hideo Kojima, Konami: Gerry 0%, Andrew 40%, Graham 45%, Shawn 65%
Anyone from Epic, Valve, Bungie, Respawn or Insomniac: Gerry 25%, Andrew 55%, Graham 20%, Shawn 60%
Ravi Drums, for some reason: Gerry 100%, Andrew 5%, Graham 0.0000001%, Shawn 5%
Now for the ongoing results, which we keep separate from Lightning Rounds.
Current standings!
Graham 888
Andrew 800
Shawn 560
Gerry 378
Modern Warfare 3 not on Infinity Ward’s plate – False
Modern Warfare 3 was announced a couple weeks before E3 as being co-developed by Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software. Infinity Ward will handle the single-player game while Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software are working on the multiplayer.
Andrew: 60% -10, Graham: 40% +10, Shawn: 75% -25
Next Tomb Raider game coming in 2011 – False
Just before E3, Square Enix opened up about the release window for Tomb Raider, which is fall of 2012. Though we were hoping for 2011, all indications from trailers and E3 are that it will be good enough to wait for.
Andrew: 70% -20, Graham: 75% -25, Shawn: 80% -30
Sega to announce Bayonetta 2 by E3 2011 – False
Unfortunately for Bayonetta fans, Sega has yet to announce anything else related to that franchise. Fortunately for Sega fans, they had a nice variety of games at E3 even without Bayonetta.
Andrew: 60% -10, Graham: 50% 0, Shawn: 75% -25
Sledgehammer Games working on sci-fi Call of Duty – False
Sledgehammer Games is indeed working on the Call of Duty franchise. However, rather than working on a spin-off as was originally rumored, they will be taking the reins of the multiplayer in Modern Warfare 3.
Andrew: 50% 0, Graham: 65% -15, Shawn: 70% -20
Successor to Wii, PS3, or 360 revealed by E3 – True
Nintendo announced shortly before E3 that they were indeed working on a new console that they would reveal at E3. At E3, their new console was revealed to be the Wii U. It is currently slated for a late 2012 release.
Andrew: 15% -35, Graham: 60% +10, Shawn: 70% +20
‘PSP2’ to release in 2011 – True
The PSP2, aka the NGP, is officially named the PS Vita, and is scheduled to be released fall 2011 worldwide. Due to the dearth of PSP games on display at E3, it seems Sony has already put all of its resources behind the PS Vita.
Andrew: 75% +25, Graham: 30% -20, Shawn: 80% +30, Gerry: 90% +40
‘Wii 2’ to release in 2011 – False
The Wii 2, officially named the Wii U, is scheduled to be released in fall of 2012. This means the Wii will get at least one more good holiday season under its belt before it gets replaced.
Andrew: 25% +25, Graham: 20% +30, Shawn: 40% +10, Gerry: 15% +35
EA to announce Medal of Honor 2 by E3 – False
EA had a large number of games on display at E3, and a number of them should turn out very well. However, their focus as far as shooters are concerned was squarely on Battlefield 3. They could very well be working on Medal of Honor 2, but if so, they have completely ignored it thus far.
Andrew: 45% +5, Graham: 20% +30, Shawn: 40% +10, Gerry: 25% +25
NGP to cost more than $350 – False
The NGP, officially named the PS Vita, had most of its final information revealed during E3. Included in that information is the price for the two different models that the PS Vita will launch with. The Wifi only model will initially sell for $250, while the Wifi+3G model will sell for $300. In either case, the price is much lower than was rumored, a development that is good for anyone interested in the PSV.
Andrew: 70% -20, Graham: 38% +12, Shawn: 75% -25, Gerry: 10% +40
New Kirby Wii game to release in 2011 – True
Kirby Wii was playable at E3, and it will definitely be out this year. It’s pretty much finished at this point and just awaiting a good time for Nintendo to release it. Currently it has a Fall 2011 release period.
Andrew: 95% +45, Graham: 99% +49, Shawn: 90% +40, Gerry: 100% +50
Epic Games to announce Kinect-enabled Gears of War game by E3
Well, E3 has come and gone, and while Microsoft did unveil a number of ‘hardcore’ Kinect games this year, a Gears of War title was completely absent. At this point, one has to assume that the rumors were just that.
Andrew: 55% -5, Graham: 20% +30, Shawn: 40% +10, Gerry: 20% +30
YouTube coming to XBL – True
Microsoft has announced that YouTube will finally be available on the Xbox 360 as part of the fall Dashboard update. The 360 is currently the only home game system that doesn’t have access to YouTube.
Andrew: 90% +40, Graham: 68% +18, Shawn: 95% +45, Gerry: 55% +5
Parasite Eve coming to PSOne Classics – True
This one is a tad late in its appearance here, as Parasite Eve has been available on PSOne Classics since April.
Andrew: 90% +40, Graham: 91% +41, Shawn: 95% +45, Gerry: 100% +50
Controller for next Nintendo console to have touch screen – True
The controller for the Wii U will in fact be about the size of a tablet, with a 6.2 inch touch screen embedded in the middle of the controller.
Andrew: 70% +20, Graham: 90% +40, Shawn: 65% +15, Gerry: 50% 0
360’s next Dashboard update to include Hulu Plus – True
As was expected, Hulu Plus finally made it’s appearance on the Xbox 360 in the most recent Dashboard update. Though, its interface is somewhat lacking in the user friendly department.
Andrew: 85% +35, Graham: 95% +45, Gerry: 75% +25
New Sony portable, codenamed NGP, to just be PSP2 – False
The NGP was revealed at E3 to be officially called the PlayStation Vita, or PS Vita for short.
Andrew: 80% -30, Graham: 70% -20, Gerry: 50% 0
Star Fox 64 coming to 3DS in May – False
Well, since it is now June, Star Fox 64 is definitely not coming in May. The release date was officially set for September 11, 2011 during Nintendo’s E3 presentation
Andrew: 20% +30, Graham: 3% +47, Gerry: 50% 0
Halo: Combat Evolved remake coming in 2011 – True
Microsoft officially unveiled the remake of Halo: Combat Evolved during E3 this year. It will be released this fall to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Halo franchise.
Andrew: 80% +30, Graham: 70% +20, Gerry: 45% -5
Mortal Kombat to require an ‘online pass’ for games – True
This rumor turned out to be true, a fact which caused some consternation among PS3 owners when they were unable to get online during the PSN Store downtime, even though PSN was up and running. Warner Bros. eventually disabled the online pass feature for Mortal Kombat to allow all MK users to play online until full PSN restoration.
Andrew: 95% +45, Graham: 70% +20, Gerry: 75% +25
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift coming to 3DS in 2011 – True
Aksys Games released BlazBlue: CS2 3D for the 3DS in May, giving early 3DS adopters 3 different major fighting games to choose from: Super Street Fighter 4 3D, Dead or Alive Dimensions, and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 3D.
Andrew: 90% +40, Graham: 95% +45, Shawn: 75% +25, Gerry: 75% +25
Dance Central 2 coming out in 2011
Dance Central was on central display at the Microsoft booth this year at E3, and it will be the headlining Kinect title this holiday season.
Andrew: 85% +35, Graham: 90% +40, Shawn: 75% +25, Gerry: 30% -20
Activision to announce Dance Hero by E3
Well, E3 came and went and all Activision had to show at E3 was Modern Warfare and Prototype 2. I think we can all agree that Activision has completely burned their bridges in the rhythm genre.
Andrew: 65% -15, Graham: 50% 0, Shawn: 90% -40, Gerry: 50% 0
Microsoft to unveil next Xbox at E3 – False
Microsoft chose to focus on the Kinect and on Halo this year at E3. Anything other than those two areas didn’t receive much focus at all. This includes any thought of a new Xbox.
Andrew: 5% +45, Graham: 23% +27, Shawn: 25% +25
Natsume localizing Rune Factory: Oceans – True
Natsume announced almost as soon as this rumor went live that they would be localizing Rune Factory: Oceans with a title change to Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. It will be out on both the PS3 and Wii later this year.
Andrew: 95% +45, Graham: 80% +30, Shawn: 100% +50
Nintendo announcing home console for 2012 release by E3 – True
As most everyone knows by now, Nintendo revealed the Wii U at E3 for a fall 2012 release date. Not a lot is known about it, other than the fact that it will be Wii compatible, have a touch screen in the controller, and will be at least as powerful as the Xbox 360, since it will be able to run games in 1080p.
Andrew: 95% +45, Graham: 90% +40, Gerry: 63% +13